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Foods to Help Survive Period Cravings and Painful Periods

The biggest question is why do we crave certain food items during our period? Here’s why - Period cravings are real and thats a fact. During the menstrual phase the body releases many hormones a few being oestrogen and progesterone and the body goes through a series of changes which leads to our body utilising more energy than usual and sometimes a few deficiencies. To overcome the extra loss loss of energy and the deficiency our body sends signals and thus we have cravings. 

We generally crave carbohydrates and fats since our body requires more source of energy. 

Cravings on periods sometimes also help in overcoming the pain and cramps. It is advisable to have energy and nutrient rich food which will besides satisfying the craving help the body overcome the pain, cramps and help in supplying energy.

Here are some foods that will not only help you survive your period cramps but also help satisfy your cravings- 


The most important thing to keep in mind during your menstrual cycle is to keep yourself hydrated. Water is extremely important not only for hydration of the body but it also helps to increase the transportation of vital vitamins and minerals throughout the body and also makes are skin look fresh and plum. 

Spices and herbs :

Spices such as cumin, fennel, cinnamon have a great healing power as well as many health benefits. Teas made of different herbs also help in providing comfort to our body. For example camomile tea helps to calm ones mind and helps to have a better sleep cycle and also helps to bring down stress levels. Belonging to the same category, cinnamon, hibiscus and many more help with different problems especially the ones related to bloating and period cramps. 

Milk and milk products :

Milk and milk products such as cottage cheese, curd etc are great sources of calcium and other vitamins which help in the proper functioning of our body. Milk and milk products bare also considered as a great source of proteins which help to have extra energy to enable our body to perform various processes during our menstrual cycle.

Dark chocolate :

Dark chocolate is a rich source of magnesium and potassium. Being sweet in taste it also helps one to relieve their sweet cravings. Magnesium and potassium are vital minerals which help prevent water retention and help the uterine muscles to relax and contract easily. Dark chocolate also helps to prevent bloating and cramps in general.

Here are a few general points to remember:

  • Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are great sources of iron. Iron along with magnesium which is found in green vegetables are extremely important for a regular as well as comfortable period. 

  • Citrus fruits like oranges and sweet lime along with berries are great sources of vitamin C which helps prevent acne, provides relief from painful cramps and also helps to reduce bloating. 

Just like there are foods one should incorporate during menses, there are some foods that should be avoided too. Foods made of refined flour can be extremely harmful. Some other foods include packaged and instant food, fast food and alcohol. Fried food can be harmful too. 

Written By – Diya Hariya 

Edited By – Viha Desai 


"Menstruation is the only blood that is not born from violence, yet it is one that disgusts us the most"
-Maia Schwartz

let's fight to change that.

silencing stigma 

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